வெள்ளி, 17 அக்டோபர், 2014

History of Tamil people

History of Tamil people....


Following professor meave Leakey’s[married to Richard Leakey, a famous paleontologist & second of the three sons of the archaeologists Louis Leakey and Mary Leakey] find of ancient man in East africa there had been two large migrations in world history. Homeo erectus[meaning "upright man,"An extinct species of humans, regarded as an ancestor of Homo sapiens.]about a million and half years ago & ,Homo sapiens about 70,000 years ago. Homo erectus is associated mainly with stone tools and was the first species of humans to master fire and it is widely thought to be the direct ancestor of modern humans.Homo erectus was the first of our relatives to have human-like body proportions, with shorter arms and longer legs relative to its torso.This species originated in Africa and spread as far as Georgia, India, Sri Lanka, China and Java.Homo erectus survived from about 1.8 million years ago in Africa and western Asia to possibly as late as 200,000 years ago in Indonesia. Meat was an important part of their diet Homo erectus was probably the first hominid to live in a hunter-gatherer society.After a long gap of time,Homo sapiens appear to have occupied all of Africa about 150,000 years ago, moved out of Africa 70,000 years ago.

After a long gap of time about 20000 years ago we catch up with the proto Dravidians belonging to Homo sapiens[The modern species of humans. Archaic forms of Homo sapiens probably evolved around 300,000 years ago or earlier in Africa,] group who had reached Mediterranean from Africa through wanderings in the quest for food and shelter. They cannot be called ‘civilized’ even though they were in group hunting animals, communicating by gesture and had found fire.The old island of “Cos” near MINAS was abode of these proto Dravidians as attested by the old Egyptian historian Hiridotus. “Cos” disintegrated through volcanic eruption during 4th milinium BC and the inhabitants got scattered and entered the southern Mesopotamia area called sumer. The belief that the Sumerians were Dravidians comes from the following text. The Sumerian language has a remote relationship with the Dravidian languages like spoken by Tamils in south India/Srilanka. Sumerians were responsible for the first monumental temples and founding of the first city state and for the invention of writing.The linguistic and cultural affinities between Sumerian and Tamils are evident in similarities like temple worship, worshipping moon god in artificial hillock[A small hill] called “Ziggerat” etc.

We have to remember that the Sumerians called themselves the Sag-giga meaning the “black-headed ones.Herodotus wrote in his celebrated History that both the Western Ethiopians, who lived in Africa, and the Eastern Ethiopians who dwelled in India, were black in complexion, but that the Africans had curly hair, while the Indians were  straight-haired.”Also in  the  article  "The Ancient History of the Near East, pp. 173–174, London, 1916."  It  says :Sumerians  are designated  as the black-heads or black-faced people, and they are shown on the monuments as beardless and with shaven heads. This easily distinguishes them from the Semitic Babylonians, who are shown with beards and long hair.From the myths and traditions of the Babylonians we learn that their culture came originally from the south. Sir Henry Rawlinson concluded from this and other evidence that the first civilized inhabitants of Sumer  were immigrants from the African Ethiopia. These theories are rejected by Dr.H.R. Hall, of the Dept. Of Egyptian & Assyrian Antiquities of the British Museum, who contends that Mesopotamia was civilized by a migration from India? “The ethnic type of the Sumerians, so strongly marked in their statues and reliefs,” says Dr.H.R. Hall, “was as different from those of the races which surrounded them as was their language from those of the Semites, Aryans, or others; they were decidedly Indian in type.And it is to this Dravidian ethnic type of India that the ancient Sumerian bears most resemblance, so far as we can judge from his monuments. and it seems natural to suppose that the strange un-Semitic, un-Aryan people who came from the East to civilize the West were of Indian origin .

Further to find Homo erectus outside africa and then conclude that it left africa and returned to africa and evolved as Homo sapiens to migrate again as second wave seems odd.Saying Homo sapiens["wise man")] all evolved from one place even after first migration of Homo erectus covering India,sri lanka etc could not be understand by me, Like there is no chance for life on other places or all fish evolved from one ocean, lake or bay?We all know that the environment has to be perfect for any evolution and there are hundreds of perfect places near the equator for hominids to live & evolve.This Idea create the multiregional model/hypothesis,which says there were parallel lines of evolution in each inhabited region of Homo erectus to become origin of modern humans (Homo sapiens sapiens).If that is the models of the evolution,then we can easily understand what Dr.H.R. Hall said above.

In summary,The Out-of-Africa hypothesis proposes that a second migration out of Africa happened about 100,000 years ago, in which anatomically modern humans of African origin conquered the world by completely replacing archaic human populations (Homo sapiens; Model A). The multiregional hypothesis states that independent multiple origins (Model D) or shared multiregional evolution with continuous gene flow between continental populations (Model C) occurred in the million years since Homo erectus came out of Africa (the trellis theory). A compromised version of the Out-of-Africa hypothesis emphasizes the African origin of most human populations but allows for the possibility of minor local contributions (Model B)...

The theory of Dr Henry Reginald Holland Hall, "Mesopotamia was civilized by a migration from India",was further strengthened by the discovery of  the remains of two men from Mehrgarh, Pakistan.In 2001, archaeologists studying this remains,made the startling discovery that the people of the Indus Valley Civilization, even from the early Harappan periods, had knowledge of medicine and dentistry.The physical anthropologist that carried out the examinations, Professor Andrea Cucina from the University of Missouri-Columbia, made the discovery when he was cleaning the teeth from one of the men.This yielded evidence of dentistry being practiced as far back as 7000 BC in the Indus Valley Civilization.This earliest form of dentistry involved curing tooth related disorders with bow drills operated, perhaps, by skilled bead craftsmen.Further the reconstruction of this ancient form of dentistry showed that the methods used were reliable and effective.The team that carried out the work say close examination of the teeth shows the tool was "surprisingly effective" at removing rotting dental tissue.

The above discovery confirmed that the Indus Valley people knows about the dental care even before Sumerians settled down in mesopotamia & further a Sumerian text of  5000/4000 BC and Greek poet Homer also blamed  "tooth worm" as the cause of caries[tooth decay] and there was no scientific explanation for tooth ailments or the unsightly appearance that tooth decay left in its wake.So without any way to rationalize how these “holes” were created in teeth, the legend of the tooth worm was born.This clearly shows that Indus valley people  had very advanced knowledge of medicine and dentistry compare with Sumerians & also even before Sumerians arrived to mesopotamia.

Also the recent International Conference on Harappan Archaeology produced an unexpected announcement from archaeologists BR Mani and KN Dikshit, both of the Archaeological Survey of India, who claim that new dates from excavations show the Harappan culture began around 2000 years earlier than previously thought.This announcement was made at the International Conference on Harappan Archaeology by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) in Chandigarh and contests the current theory that the settlements in the Indus region began around 3750 BC. The preliminary findings from the Indus valley – if they are confirmed – would allow for the origin of Harappan Culture to be roughly contemporaneous with the rise of civilisation in Mesopotamia.

Now Ancient Mesopotamian dental  text regarding “tooth worm” is given below

After Anu[sky-god] had created heaven,
Heaven had created the earth,
The earth had created the rivers,
The rivers had created the marsh,
And the marsh had created the worm -
The worm went, weeping, before Shamash[the Sun-god],
His tears flowing before Ea:
"What will you give me for food?
What will you give me to suck on?"
"I will give you the ripe fig and the apricot."
"What good is the ripe fig and the apricot?
Lift me up, and assign me to the teeth and the gums!
I will suck the blood of the tooth,
and I will gnaw its roots at the gum!"
Because you have said this, O worm,
May Ea strike you with the might of his hand!
[NB:Ea or Enki /a sea or water god]....

Many Authors have pointed out ethnic, linguistic and cultural affinities between the Sumerians (Mesopotamians) and the Dravidians of South India, and concluded that both probably belonged to the same ethnic stock. That is  the ancient Sumerian civilizations of Mesopotamia and of Elam (southern Iran) were associated with  Dravidians .

HR Hall is of the opinion that Dravidian people must have migrated to Mesopotamia from India, whereas others think Dravidians came from Mediterranean regions, which was their earlier home. KP Padmanabha Menon writes about their close relationship.Padmanabha Menon was an eminent Advocate, Judge and Historian.  He also wrote Kochi Rajya Charithram (History of Cochin).Orientalists, many of them, are prepared to concede that the Sumerians, the Mediterranean race, are branches of the early Dravidians. From SUMER, Dravidians started moving through North west corner of India to reach Indus valley where they were not to remain long. They were attacked by invaded Aryan tribes[nomadic tribal peoples] and driven south, where they remain ever since.This is another hypothesis that is strongly advocated by certain scholars.

The Sumerian records have been deciphered and material remains have been interpreted satisfactorily. Linguistic and cultural affinities  between the Sumerians and the Tamils, separated by much more than a millennia, are pointed out. The late Professor A.Sathasivam from Sri Lanka and Dr.Loganathan Muttarayan from Malaysia,are examples. Eminent historians of the caliber of K.A. Nilakantta Sastri, have pointed out similarities in temple worship. A hypothesis, connecting the ancestors of the Dravidians, if not the Tamils. to the Mediterranean area, is still advocated by certain scholars.Further Mrs Nivetha Uthayarajan  from UK wrote an article about Sumerians.This article in Tamil on sumerians of mesopotamia with title:"Were sumerians ancestors of Tamils?" was started on 10 October 2012,but could not continued after 14 December 2012 for unknown reasons,but now restarted again from October 1, 2013 through another web-site from beginning & so far 6 parts published up to February 3,2014,covering,What is history?,Arriving to mesopotamia,agriculture,barter[trade],architecture & ziggurat.This is a very good series in Tamil about  "Sumerians & their civilizations."Hope it will continue till end & analyze and point out the relationship between Tamils & Sumerians with possible acceptable connections & evidences.Also few related facts and figures & their opinions were forwarded by her under the leadership of Mr N.Siva Ganesan in one or two television programmes too.Apart from the linguistic similarities,of  this races as shown above,The common  opinion that .cultivation of barley & wheat spread from the Near East to the Indus Valley region is supported by ethno-botanical data tracking.It is commonly believed that those crops started in the Euphrates region about 8500 BC & It reached the Indus Valley and the Indian subcontinent about 6500 BC...

The Sumerians, the people of the land of Sumer, are sometimes called the ‘sudden civilization’, and for good reason. They suddenly spawned around 4000 BC in between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, Mesopotamia.The Sumerians were believed to have developed world's first writing system 5000 years ago.They were considered as the earliest urban civilisation of South Mesopotamia.They were the first to develop the cuneiform scripts[Cuneiform script is one of the earliest known systems of writing, distinguished by its "wedge-shaped" marks on clay tablets. Mesopotamia[derived from the Greek, means literally "between the rivers," but it is generally used to denote the whole plain between and on either side of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.] is the modern day Iraq.it was here, between 3500 and 3000 B.C., that agricultural settlers created the rich city-states of Sumer , of which the best known is Ur .But We have to look for answers to the puzzling question "Where did they come from? to solve the still remaining mystery. They literally had their own language that didn't seem to relate to any known speech from the area. It is believed that they came from the east, but whether by sea or from the highlands is unknown.Also their language is not related to those major language families that later appear in the Near East - Semites[Arabic,Amharic ,Hebrew,etc] and Indo-Europeans[most major current languages of Europe,Indo-Aryan,etc]. There are facts which are known about sumerians which may indicate where did they come from such as: Sumerian Gods are constantly represented as standing upon mountains[check with tamil god Murugan]. also their earliest building style  is based on a tradition of timber construction, which means they could only originate in the heavily-timbered lands.

According to archeology, the Sumerians, who called themselves the "blackheaded people," were among the first civilizations. Nomads, migrating from some place still unknown, they settled near and between the two great rivers of Mesopotamia - the Tigris and the Euphrates and began to develop the fundamentals of civilization.They systematized agriculture, developed irrigation, constructed the first wagon wheel and the potters' wheel, a great technological breakthrough, experimented with a form of democracy, built cities .It is believed that the cities of Sumer, first built around 4,000 B.C, {maybe before}, provide the world's first examples of genuine urban centers of large size. Professor Kramer's lifelong studies show that they wrote poetry and literature too.However, Sumer vanished, as did its successors, Babylon and Assyria. Abandoned, and gradually covered by the earth 2000 years before.

The Sumerians *started out with a system of picture writing, where every character stood for a complete word.For example, the word du, meaning "foot," was represented with a picture of a foot, but a picture of a foot could also mean "to stand," "to go," "to come" or "to bring."Also to express verbs , two or more symbols were put together. For example, a head next to a bowl meant "eat. Sumerian writing was so complicated that only a few scribes mastered it, it is estimated that only about 250 people in the modern world can read and write in Sumerian.

The Sumerians called their land KI.EN.GIR, the "Land of the Lords of Brightness,"The Sumerians did not have a word for religion, because worshipping the gods at their temples was basic to their existence.In family Life, Sumerian religion had its roots in the worship of nature.ie the forces of nature were originally worshipped.However over the time, the human form became associated with these forces. Gods in human form, were then seen as having control over nature.the ancient Sumerians devoted much of their time, to ensuring favor with the gods. This was done with worship and sacrifice.The temple served several purposes, most importantly worship and education. Each temple had an educational center, in which students learned mathematics and scribing (writing).The Sumerian teacher was known as an ummia..Monogamy was the normal practice, although concubines were tolerated. Family elders often arranged marriages.The average house of a Sumerian, was a one-story structure built from baked or Sun-dried mud-brick. It consisted of several rooms surrounding an open court, wealthier citizens lived in two-story brick structures.Music was an important part of life Poems and songs dedicated to the gods were also very common.Also the world 's oldest love poem tablet,which was written in sumerian cuneiform from the city of Ur,Sometime around 2030 BC,addressed to sumerian king Shu-sin was unearthed in the late 1880's in Nippur, a region in what is now Iraq & translated by Professor Samuel Noah Kramer in 1951.This poem, believed by archaeologists to be the oldest love poem found to date, It is given below.This may remind you the sangam love songs of 2000-2700 years old?Hence,I am giving below two "Wedding night"poems from Silappathikaram & Akananuru too.

"Man of my heart, my beloved man,
your allure is a sweet thing, as sweet as honey.
Man of my heart, my beloved man,
your allure is a sweet thing, as sweet as honey.

You have captivated me,
of my own free will I will come to you.
Man, let me flee with you—into the bedroom.
You have captivated me;
of my own free will I shall come to you.
Lad, let me flee with you—into the bedroom.

Man, let me do the sweetest things to you.
My precious sweet, let me bring you honey.
In the bedchamber dripping with honey
let us enjoy over and over your allure, the sweet thing.
Lad, let me do the sweetest things to you.
My precious sweet, let me bring you honey.

Man, you have become attracted to me.
Speak to my mother and I will give myself to you;
speak to my father and he will make a gift of me.
I know where to give physical pleasure to your body—
sleep, man, in our house till morning.
I know how to bring heart's delight to your heart—
sleep, lad, in our house till morning.

Since you have fallen in love with me, man,
if only you would do your sweet thing to me.
My lord and god, my lord and guardian angel,
my Cu-Suen who cheers Enlil's heart,
if only you would handle your sweet place,
if only you would grasp your place that is sweet as honey.
Put your hand there for me
like the cover on a measuring cup.
Spread your hand there for me
like the cover on a cup of wood shavings."

NB:Shu-sin or Cu-Suen: was king of Sumer and Akkad, and was the penultimate king of the Ur III dynasty.
enlil :"Lord (of the) Storm"/Ellil is one of the most important gods of Mesopotamia.Ellil's main city is Nippur. Kings from all over Mesopotamia sent offerings to him there.

"KOVALAN – KANNAGI" WEDDING NIGHT/SILAPPATHIKARAM:When Kovalan was satiated by love’s pleasures,he looked fondly at the radiant face of his new bride,and  describes her beauty :

“Set in pure gold,you yourself a jewel without rival.You are the pure perfume,the sweet sugar cane,
the translucent honey,on which i feast.Your grace is a ritual,your lips a spring of nectar.
Noble maiden born of noble line of merchants!
You are a precious stone that has never known the darkness of a mountain mine.
You are a nectar more fragrant than that distilled from sea form,
your are a harmony such as never arose from the strings of a harp.
Your floating hair is darker than the night."


"when they wiped her sweat,and gave her to me,she splendid with ornament,I said to her
who was body now to my breath,chaste without harshness,wrapped all over in a robe new,uncrushed,
“It’s hot.Sweat is breaking out on that crescent, your brow.Open your robe a little,let the wind cool it,”
and even as I spoke,my heart hasty with desire,I pulled it off and stood exposed,
her form shining like a sword unsheathed,not knowing how to hide herself,cried Woy!
in shame,then bowed,begged of me,as she loosened her hair undoing the thick colorful wreath
of broken lily petals and,with the darkness of black full tresses,
hand picked flowers on them still luring the bees,hid her private parts."....

WILL FOLLOW.... PART-4.... யாழறிவன்... Yalarivan Jackson Jackie

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